Wednesday, January 26, 2005

January 26 Update

The eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. I Corinthians 2:9

The testing of your faith produces patience. James 1:9

So sorry that it has been a while since my last update. I honestly didn't realize how much they are "missed". I used to think that I only wrote for my own "therapy" and assurance, but now realize after all the calls and emails that these updates are actually missed by so many of you. I really apologize. We just don't want any of you to stop praying for Jodie. And I promise to make sure that I at least send a monthly update. I'll start sending them sooner when baby sister starts really showing out (which I still have faith AND patience, that in time, it will happen).

I must share what a comfort it has been to talk to several people lately who have been through a similar experience and to hear that in their loved ones' situation, it did take time - in some cases years - for them to see progress. So that gives us renewed hope and encouragement. I just know that God is not finished with Jodie yet. There are still so many things he has prepared for her.

Now as far as "updating" you all on her since my last email, I'm going to include some of the following that Beth wrote to someone asking about Jodie. I included some of my own thoughts and just meshed it together so you all can get an idea of what's been going on. .............

Thank you all so much -- You really don’t know how much we appreciate you contining to pray for Jodie and us!

Jodie is about the same as far as what she can/can’t do. She still hasn’t talked to us, but she sure seems like she tries hard some days. She has said a few words here and there but not in sentences or anything. I think she told Mama to "move" last week when she laid down in the bed beside her. And when she does speak words, it is very strained and deep. And it obviously takes a lot out of her.

The "tallking board" that I mentioned in the last email arrived yesterday, so Mama is still trying to "figure it out" so that it will be useful for Jodie. I'll have to let you know more about that later.

She is still going to rehab twice a week and we are so thankful that she gets out of the
house for that. I know she is thankful not to be cooped up in the house on those days! With the weather being so cold lately, Mama makes sure not to expose her too much to the extremeties of the cold - we don't want her to get pneumonia or catch something. When the weather is actually nice, she does go outside some and Mama has taken her to Wal-Mart and the grocery store a few times. Also, a few weeks ago Jodie had a doctors appointment in Jackson and Mama took Jodie to see Mary Allyn (Jennifer's little girl) at swim school and then they all went to lunch. So, as you can see, she does get to get out of the house.

We saw a picture of her this weekend when she was at MMRC and were amazed at how much better she “looks”. She still doesn’t look anything like the Jodie we saw on the morning of the wreck, but she looks 20 times better than that picture. She has also gained a good bit of
weight back, which is wonderful. She has a great appetite and actually has Mama cooking again!!!

There is still a lady, Anita, who sits with Jodie during the day while Mama is at work, and on the days she has therapy, Mama picks her up and takes her to therapy. On the weekends, Mama is with her and we all come over and see them. We can tell she really enjoys visitors and hearing/seeing familiar people.

It is really so nice and convenient now that they live in town. The folks at rehab could not be more wonderful. One of her therapists, Jodie actually went to high school with and some of them knew Jodie before the wreck - it's nice to have people around her that know her personally. A few people have even made a point to call Mama or if they see her, they have told her that for some reason or another, they've been to the rehab place themselves and actually seen Jodie in her sessions and these people have highly complimented the rehab staff on how well they are with Jodie and how much care they take with her. That really means a lot for us to hear that.

We just have to believe that God and our prayers are going to bring Jodie back. We have faith that God is just doing this on his time, not ours. Although, we've said that many times, I only think lately the realization and acceptance of that fact has become more apparant. Our Jodie is a fighter and she has that on her side, friends and family that
love and support her AND and most importantly, God - the miracle healer.

Please continue to remember Jodie daily in your prayers - there is nothing more powerful or beneficial to her or to us. They are certainly felt and appreciated.

God bless,
Jennifer & Beth