Friday, August 29, 2008

Update on Jodie

Sorry that we haven’t posted lately but there has been a lot going on the past few months.   

The latest on her knee/lower thigh: the final diagnosis was Heterotrophic Ossification – which means calcium (bone) was starting to form on top of the muscle. It often happens early in brain injury patients but this happened so long post-accident that they feel she might have possibly bumped it during therapy. It is very painful and she is on 12 weeks of meds.  We also use heat to the area at night or ice during the day as needed.

Jodie is seeing a new physiatrist (remember: 
whole body doctor), his name is Howard Katz and he is in Jackson. I have decided although he is not our Dr. Leslie in Atlanta, he is as close as we will ever get. At the first visit Dr. Katz asked a lot of questions and we talked about various things and then all of a sudden he says, “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I want to start with her eyes.” He had been commenting on her eyes and I assumed at first he was talking about how green they are - but he was talking about her focusing problems. He sent us straight to Dr. Joseph who is an Optometrist that works with a lot of brain injury patients. There is no way to describe the kindness and patience that he used with Jodie and she responded in-kind and did all he asked of her. Jodie now has new glasses and she picked out the frames – when we showed her several styles she didn’t show much interest until I told her one was Kate Spade. Our Jodie has never lost her good taste – once she found out they were the most expensive of the ones we looked at, of course those were her pick!  She looks so sophisticated in her new glasses and she is good with keeping them on all day.

We saw Dr. Katz again a few weeks ago and he was thrilled with the changes he had already noticed with her eyes. When I told him that she had a seizure 4 days before, he said that was our new focus - to find the right meds that will completely control the seizures, as they put her back at least 2 weeks every time she has one. I told him that was true except for the one she had last November that set her back 6 months. He has now started her on another medicine he thinks will prevent these seizures. He is also adding a new medicine that he hopes will help her talk - we are all excited about this one and pray that it works. Dr. Katz also wants her seen by an ENT again to scope her for scar tissue again on her vocal cords – we see Dr. Lambdin on Sept 4th for this test. I also want Dr. Lambdin to check her nose to see if it might be causing some of the loud breathing issues – she broke her nose in the wreck and it has never been addressed because there were more pressing issues.

Back in January I became a board member for the Brain Injury Association of MS and I was so honored and excited to be asked to be part of this group. One of the first events that followed was a program at the State Capitol called
Art of Recovery – this was an art show and a brain injury awareness function for all the legislators. Jodie had been dabbling some with painting so she did a painting  for the show  (look for link at bottom of post). Her works are abstract and we think they are awesome - the best part is to look at them and see what you find in her painting.  In this particular painting, there is what looks like an angel fish, another fish and a figure kneeling and praying over another figure (I swear it looks like Mary kneeling over Jesus). This painting is among 25 others that were done by brain injury survivors and has been touring the state and will be at MS Rehab in the next week or so. 

Anyone can bid (sealed bids) on the pictures and the winners will be announced at the annual Gala, being held on October 18th at the MS Sports Museum in Jackson. It is a costume type shindig and you can come dressed in any type of sporting attire. There is a silent auction, food, and a band – tickets are $50 and all proceeds go to the Brain Injury Association. Also, we are raffling off a Viking Culinary Package donated by Viking Range Corp. that is worth over $3000!!  Tickets are 1 for $5;  3 for $10; and 10 for $20 – please let me know if you are interested.

As you can see, we've had a lot going on and more exciting things to come!  

We thank everyone for all of your prayers and we ask that you continue to pray for Jodie. God is hearing your prayers and has brought her so far – we have been truly blessed.

God's blessings to all,

Art of Recovery: - Go to the website and click on Art of Recovery (left sidebar, 4th from the bottom) and open the 2008 group. Scroll down to the bottom to see Jodie's artwork, Journey.  You will also recognize Jodie in the picture on the BIA homepage!!!