Thursday, September 25, 2008

Prayers for Jodie

Please pray for Jodie. She had a seizure last night and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Mama had been out of town and Jodie had the seizure 5 minutes after Mama walked in the door.
She was released and had a good, restful night.

Please pray that she doesn't have a big setback and that she will bounce back quickly. Also pray that the doctors can find a medicine that will help prevent the frequency of the seizures.

As always, thank you for your thoughts, prayers and concern for Jodie. We believe Prayer Works!!!

Grace and peace,

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Update on mom

Mama is doing much better - she went back to work today. We just can't keep that woman down for very long!! The tests came back normal today and confirmed that the nodule they removed was benign. Praise God!!

Thanks again for ALL your prayers for Mama and Jodie.

Prayer Works!!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Prayers for Mom

We ask for prayers for our mother, Nancy. She is at home recovering from surgery - this morning the doctor removed a small nodule from her thyroid (to the left of her throat). He said it appears to be benign and sent it off to the lab and we will know for sure in 72 hours. We pray for a speedy recovery and, of course, for the doctor to confirm that it is indeed benign.

She was doing well tonight - just very very sore and her throat hurt a lot. But of course she is not a good patient and doesn't like to be the one "waited on" so we had to make her stay in bed and let us "nurse" her for a change.

Jodie is doing good and hopes to see Mama feeling better soon!

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers for Jodie and our family. We believe Prayer Works!!!

God's love and blessings,