Thursday, January 29, 2009

Update on Jodie

I’m so sorry for the delay updating Jodie’s blog, as always we appreciate your interest and continued prayers. I hope everyone is having a happy new year.

We are currently having issues with Jodie’s medication. We’re working with her physician in order to get this straightened out, but it is a very lengthy process. Jodie is on a couple new medications that have made her rather lethargic and not herself. In order to discontinue a medication, we must wait at least 2 weeks to gauge her responsiveness/reaction. At that point, if she has not had a seizure or experienced another reaction, we can make further changes.

As the doctors have told us many times, no 2 brain injuries are alike. There is so much trial and error that goes along with this process, and unfortunately no set protocol that allows you to quickly determine the best course of action for the patient. As a result, that leaves us trying different things in hopes that something will work.

As you may remember, Jodie received a phenol block treatment to her hand in an attempt to loosen it up. Unfortunately, it did not work. It relaxed the index finger too much and really didn’t affect her ring or mid finger. For a time, this has affected her ability to grasp certain things, but she remains steadfast in her efforts and has even started painting again with my assistance. Yesterday she was able to choose her own brushes and the colors she wanted to use. She maneuvered the brush in her hand and would then look at the pallet to decide which color to use next. It is awesome to watch her paint, she tries so hard! I will post some pictures of her artwork on the blog soon so you can see her determination.

I’m happy to report that Jodie has not had a bad seizure in several months and we thank the Lord for this blessing! Her seizure medication has also been altered so we are hopeful that she will remain seizure-free.

Thank you again for your concern - we humbly ask for your continued prayers for Jodie’s healing.

God's love,