Monday, May 01, 2006

Post from Nancy, Jodie's mom

I got these pictures together so that everyone could see how far Jodie has come since April 3, 2004. So many of you have not seen her and it is really hard to imagine what her journey has been like so far. These pictures show how far she has come back to us, but she still has a long way to go. Most of all I want everyone to know that without the kindness shown to us by your prayers, we do not know where we would be today. The prayers have given us the strength to be here for her and help with her healing – there are not enough words to tell all of you how much we love you and appreciate everything you have done for Jodie. And I would like to ask that you to continue to pray for Jodie as she continues on her journey.

God Bless each and everyone,


Jodie said...

Hi my name is Jodie Journey and I am a believer and I offer my prayers for your daughter and her recovery. As God would lead us to this blog, my husband and I relaized the rareity that we would be lead to this particulair blog and find that Jodie and I share some unique things. She and I spell our names alike, I am a strong prayer warrior and have been sending out prayers for many friends and family for and those I don't know. Jodie you and I have been given the same scripture Jermiah 29:11, I began to recite this scripture and lead on it for strength after a severe illness and los of my job due to the illness several years ago. I have Min. from this scripture and continue to uplifted by this scripture. I know that there is a GREATER plan for you and I. God created us and know our every fiber. He has healed me and only He. I had a team of 18 medical doctors, and specialist from many diciplines and had medical care from one of the best hopitals University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, but no one could identify the problem or it's source and there was no medication that they could prescribe and there was no surgery. So I suffered for a long time, having the blood from my body disapper, vanish into thin air not internal bleeding to be found, yet I needed 4-8 pints of whole blood emergency replacements off and on and endured many painful exploratory test alot and accumalated alot of medical bills. I knew the power of PRAYER, I and so did my family and close friends. Every doctor was stumped and just scratched their head and my room in confussion. I prayed and the prayer warriors surrounded my bed. After an emergency room admission for a near death expierence I told my husband not to worry, and I begen to pray and call on my angels of protection and requested my bible. It was during this time that my deliverence came and the healing began. From that time until this three years later, I have been on the mends. No meds form the Dr's, all office visits stopped approx. 2-1/2 years ago I returned to work in Jan 09 I have gained wait after losing 50 or more pounds in 3 months time and not being able to eat or digest any solid foods, God has made a change in my life. I knew the power of prayer and knew that God was the only answer. A doctor finally said to me, thought I would soon be dead, I told him he did not know my healer and who I depended on. My words were you don't know who I know. He was speechless. From that day to this it is all a medical mystery to them,but not to me. There is no doubt for me and for you. Your healing is coming and many lives will be touched and changed as a result of your situation. You keep smiling because we are the medical mysteryies of this time and our testimonies must be heard.

From your name-soul mate Jodie Journey. By the way I am a third generation Jodie.

Be encouraged, Blessed and Expect you Healing.

Jodie said...

Hi my name is Jodie Journey and I am a believer and I offer my prayers for your daughter and her recovery. As God would lead us to this blog, my husband and I realized the rarity that we would be lead to this particular blog and find that Jodie and I share some unique things. She and I spell our names alike, I am a strong prayer warrior and have been sending out prayers for many friends and family for and those I don't know. Jodie you and I have been given the same scripture Jeremiah 29:11, I began to recite this scripture and lead on it for strength after a severe illness and loss of my job due to the illness several years ago. I have Min. from this scripture and continue to uplifted by this scripture. I know that there is a GREATER plan for you and I. God created us and know our every fiber. He has healed me and only He. I had a team of 18 medical doctors, and specialist from many disciplines and had medical care from one of the best hospitals University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, but no one could identify the problem or its source and there was no medication that they could prescribe and there was no surgery. So I suffered for a long time, having the blood from my body disappear, vanish into thin air not internal bleeding to be found, yet I needed 4-8 pints of whole blood emergency replacements off and on and endured many painful exploratory test a lot and accumulated a lot of medical bills. I knew the power of PRAYER, I and so did my family and close friends. Every doctor was stumped and just scratched their head and my room in confusion. I prayed and the prayer warriors surrounded my bed. After an emergency room admission for a near death experience I told my husband not to worry, and I began to pray and call on my angels of protection and requested my bible. It was during this time that my deliverance came and the healing began. From that time until this three years later, I have been on the mends. No meds form the Dr's, all office visits stopped approx. 2-1/2 years ago I returned to work in Jan 09 I have gained wait after losing 50 or more pounds in 3 months time and not being able to eat or digest any solid foods, God has made a change in my life. I knew the power of prayer and knew that God was the only answer. A doctor finally said to me, thought I would soon be dead, I told him he did not know my healer and who I depended on. My words were you don't know who I know. He was speechless. From that day to this it is all a medical mystery to them, but not to me. There is no doubt for me and for you. Your healing is coming and many lives will be touched and changed as a result of your situation. You keep smiling because we are the medical mysteries of this time and our testimonies must be heard.

From your name-soul mate Jodie Journey. By the way I am a third generation Jodie.

Be encouraged, Blessed and Expect you Healing.