Thursday, October 28, 2004

October 28 Update

(sorry, this update is so long - i didn't realize that i had so much to share)..........

If you believe, and have faith, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 21:22

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

The first verse above, about believing and having faith and receiving what you pray for - that was in my morning devotion. I still stand amazed how God's Word speaks to me and how we all really can turn to it as the guide for our lives - even today. A prayer warrior who has been extremely steadfast in her prayers for Jodie, even including her entire prayer circle, was able to come to Jackson last week and meet Jodie and pray with her and over her and with us. It was so wonderful to meet someone who has never before met Jodie, yet is so touched by her and so strong in her own faith in believing in Jodie's complete healing. In speaking with her, she reminded me of the scripture where Jesus healed the man who was lowered through the roof on a mat by his friends. And she also reminded me that it was the faith of those who loved that man, that led to his being healed. That's how I know Jodie will be healed - the faith and belief and steadfast prayers of all of those of us who lift her up daily and truly believe in His power of healing that will ultimately heal Jodie. Praise God for his healing as we bring Jodie to Him in prayer.

The verse from Romans that I included above, came to me in a very emotional moment that I'd like to share with you - it gives me great encouragement and hope - and furthermore, shows me that God does speak to me. A week or so ago, I was visiting with Jodie late one night and it was just she and I - I was switching channels between the Yankees game (Jodie's a huge fan) and the last presidential debate. Before I left her, I read her some cards she had received in the mail and I pulled out her Bible to read her some scripture. It's a student Bible that she's had for a while and she keeps it in a zippered protective sort of case. (one of her nurses referred to it as her "weapon" so we make sure to keep it close to her). Anyway, I began to pull out some things that Jodie had kept in there - a special note from my mom, a friendship card from her best friend, a notecard from our grandmother - and other little keepsakes she had kept and I read those to her. On the front inside cover of her Bible she had handwritten a poem (which I included at the end of this update). This poem says a lot to me about the Jodie that I know. Next she had written a verse, Romans 8:28, and above it she wrote "verse to remember". Then I flipped to the verse, which she had underlined and noted. I have no idea when she wrote it or marked it, but it gave me a new sense of hope and encouragement. Even though she can't speak to me, I know she spoke to me that night through the Word of God - I guess they both spoke to me! I hope that gives you all some insight into the belief that Jodie has in God and in His purpose for her life.

In that moment, I really needed those words spoken to me. Although I know that Jodie understands me and comprehends and responds to me, it is still hard sometimes to accept that right now she can't talk to me or walk with me or go shopping with me. The human side of me still gets jealous and angry that I can't just have her the way she was on the morning of April 3rd. BUT it is my faith in God and my belief in His almighty power and wisdom AND healing that gives me the calmness of mind and the ability to wipe away all that fear because I believe that He WILL heal her and that we will go shopping again and she'll talk again and that she will be healed. It's just all according to His purpose for our lives and for Jodie's. I know that and Jodie knows that. That's why His word comforts me and I'm so grateful that Jodie shared the verse in Romans with me. I thank God for his blessings!

Now to give you some updates.....Last week her speech therapists raved on how well Jodie has been doing. She said that Jodie is being consistent with her reponses about 90-100% of the time. She uses a "tech board" which has pictures and can "talk" (her therapists record messages on it). Jodie can push a button to communicate a need or response. They even recorded "hotty toddy" on it and they all had a cheer session during one of her therapies. They said it was a hoot and Jodie was really into "hotty toddy" (that was the week before the Tenn. game so maybe that's what helped light a spark under the rebels!!)
Jodie is also using her hand to squeeze a "yes" to us. Her therapists suggested that we all use the hand squeeze to let Jodie communicate with us, as that is what she has found to be most accurate and consistent for Jodie's communication. So we will ask her to "squeeze my hand if you want to go outside or watch TV or listen to music, etc.." And if she doesn't squeeze, then it means no.

Her speech therapist also told us that she's certain that Jodie understands and comprehends what is being said to her or asked of her (of course we've all thought that was true, but now she has confirmed it). Although, sometimes Jodie is motorically unable to correctly respond but usually corrects herself instantly if she accidentally pushes a wrong button or answers incorrectly on the tech board (meaning you can "see" that she understands or is looking at the correct answer, but her motor skills with hand coordination and getting her fingers to move just so, can sometimes get out of sync). I can't really explain it well without you seeing her - so I'm hoping you all get the picture. Basically, her motor skills are still lacking but her mind is ticking!

We have also begun to see little things in Jodie's personality that is, well, typical Jodie. Just little things she'll do or the way she'll ignore you sometimes or do things when "she wants to do them" - that's the way Jodie has always been. Like sometimes her ST says that Jodie does better answering questions that have real meaning like "are you feeling good today or feeling sick" and letting her respond by touching that picture to produce a response - instead of saying "jodie point to the picture that says 'sick'" - she's more likely to respond to a reaction. Which is good.

Also, another "typical Jodie moment" and also the first time that Jodie has initiated a conversation, was on Monday in her ST. Jodie was holding the tech board and without Sandy, her therapist, initiating anything (meaning Sandy didn't ask Jodie a question) and out of the blue, Jodie pushes the button on the board that says "I want something to eat"! So Sandy says, "Jodie, we'll be done in a few minutes and I'll get you something" and Jodie responds by pushing the button again "I want something to eat". So Sandy laughed and said, "okay, I'll get you something to eat now". And she brought her some applesauce. I just love that because Jodie has always been one to say "I'm hungry and thirsty and I want something to eat and drink" and expect it then. She would say it every time we went on a trip, barely out of the driveway! And the impatience by not taking the "in a little bit" but rather she was hungry and she was hungry then!

She has also been vocalizing with us all a good bit. She was vocalizing to us the night after her surgery, but Jodie is more likely to vocalize to us (her family and friends) and do more things for us than her therapists. I think it's taken her some time to get familiar with them and now she's doing more things for them. But they have all told me that she is making more sounds and more attempts at talking lately. She's been vocalizing when the put her on the "stand up board" or when she needs to be changed and in her speech therapies. It's amazing to hear her sounds and we're always trying to decide what's she's saying. Maybe that will be our Christmas present for her to talk!!!

Jodie will be discharged from MMRC next Wednesday, November 3. SHe'll be moving to Greenwood. My mom has been renting a house there (it's closer to rehab, doctor and hospital) and is looking into buying a house with more room to make Jodie more comfortable at home. She will be getting her outpatient therapy from Advanced Rehab in Greenwood about 3 days a week. Our mom is going to continue to work, so Jodie will have someone stay with her during the day and go to/from rehab and from my understanding rehab will possibly go to the house some.

So, as you can tell, Jodie is continuing to progress and has made some great strides in her therapy and consistency in communication recently. Which is something that we've all been praying specifically for - so God is answering our prayers. I ask that you continue to pray for Jodie to be healed of her brain injury and that her recovery continues, as she's able to respond to us more and communicate. I would also ask that you specifically pray that Jodie will regain her speech ability so that she can communicate to us by talking! How marvelous that would be. I also ask that you pray for the move back home, that Jodie will adjust well to being home and that she will continue to progress in her therapy. She will still come back to Jackson regularly for her doctor visitis and checkups.

When Jodie goes home next week, you can send mail correspondence to her at 112 East Harding Street, Greenwood, MS 38930. Of course if you still send it to me, it will get to her.

We continue to rejoice in God's blessings and thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers.

(here's the poem jodie had written in the front of her Bible):
I said a prayer for you todayAnd know God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word! I didn't ask for wealth of fame(I knew you wouldn't mind). I asked Him to send treasuresOf a far more lasting kind! I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day; To grant your health and blessingsAnd friends to share your way! I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small. But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all!